Thursday, March 31, 2016

Defending the Sanctity of Human Life

“We affirm the sanctity of life and of its importance in God’s eternal plan”
I will start with a few questions to ponder: What is life? Why is life sacred? Why is life important in God’s eternal plan?

Emily Dickinson has said that “To be alive-is power”

Christ has used this title to identify himself: I am the way, the truth and the life, not man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:16)
I love the song that primary children sing all around the world:
My life is a gift; my life has a plan.
My life has a purpose; in heaven it began.
My choice was to come to this lovely home on earth
And seek for God’s light to direct me from birth.

Life is beautiful, life is so important. We come to this earth to gain a body, learn, grow and return to our father in Heaven. Our bodies are not ours, they belong to the Lord, we matter to him and he wants us to choose life. I am grateful for the opportunity I have to be a mother and I am grateful for my own mother, to bring life into this world brings great blessings, learning experience and growth.
When members of the LDS church talk about the sanctity of life, the focus is usually on elective abortion but there are some other life-related topics that are addressed including abuse, addiction, adoption, chastity, cohabitation, fidelity, pornography and purity. These aspects of life are so very important.

Russell Nelson has said “sons and daughters of God, we cherish life as a gift from him…Life comes from life. It is a gift from our Heavenly Father. It is eternal, as he is eternal. Innocent life is not sent by him to be destroyed. This doctrine is not of me, but is that of the living God and his divine son” 
What is Abortion?

The word abortion means to “cut off the existence of someone” and “the natural or deliberate termination of the life or an unborn or partially born child.” There are two kinds of abortion: spontaneous or natural and nonspontaneous or induced. Spontaneous abortion is used to explain a miscarriage and is not considered a moral issue but the deliberate destruction of a life I feel is morally wrong. There are a few instances in which the health of the mother is at stake or the pregnancy resulted from incest or rape, where a mother may need to abort. We live in a world where mistakes are going to happen, we all have our agency. If tempted to use abortion as a means to end life, I would encourage you to reconsider. There are many families out there that are not able to bear children on their own who would love the opportunity to be parents through adoption. LDS family services is a great help to those that need guidance.
Click logo to go to LDS Family Services Webpage
I will close with some appropriate and legal ways to support the sacredness of life:

First is choosing to be chaste as well as maintaining and promoting fidelity is very important. Most abortions stem from unwanted pregnancy; if a person refrained from having sexual encounters, if would eliminate the need for abortion. Second is helping provide guidance and support for unwed parents; there are many organizations who help including LDS family services. Third is becoming better informed. Fourth is discussing the sanctity of life accurately and appropriately, the spirit should be a guide when approaching life related topics. Fifth is recognizing the consequences of abortion; grief and psychological pain accompany many who elect to get an abortion, there are groups that can help with this. Lastly we can strengthen our testimonies of the sanctity of life. I know that the sanctity of life is very important. Life is power; I know that by staying chaste and honoring fidelity can lead to happiness. When mistakes happen, choose life; for your life will be blessed. 

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