Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Mothers as Nurtures

“Mothers are Primarily responsible for the Nurture of their children”

Being a mother is one thing, but being a nurturing mother is another. This is an interesting topic-motherhood and being a nurturer is not something that comes naturally for me. I am learning right alongside my readers for this post.   

Spencer Kimball has said that “mothers have a sacred role. They are partners with God, as well as with their own husbands, first in giving birth to the Lord’s spirit children and then in rearing those children so they will serve the Lord and keep his commandments”   

Do women understand the sacredness of the creation of life?
Our power as mothers comes from God. Children rearing is an important work

I have been thinking about some of the mothers in my life. Let me tell you a characteristic on some of the nurturing mothers that have affected my life: 

My own mother Sheri is a great listener; all children need someone to talk to and get advice from. My mother did not ask one answer questions, she used the concept of “TMA” (tell me about); this aided in conversation. I have never been a great conversationist but she tried her best and I am grateful.
My mother in law Marilyn is very hard worker; I love that about her. She raised 5 boys and I know it was not always easy. I am also grateful for her accepting nature for loving me and my kids too. 
My Grandma Clark is also a great example to me. She just recently turned 84 and had to retire because of some health issues. She worked at a nursing home where she would take care of patients half her age. She is always energetic and her vigor for life is contagious. I spend time a few weeks ago with her for her birthday and I loved every moment of it.
My college mom Paige had a great capacity to love. She treated me as her own when I was far away from my own family. She and I have a special connection and I am grateful for her example and love  
My mission moms Teri and Janet were wonderful. I learned a great deal from them. Two of the greatest qualities I learned was that of happiness and humility. Their smiles were radiating and I am grateful for their example; I still keep in touch with them today and always love being able to see them and continue to learn from them
My best friend Wende is amazing; the quality that I love most about her is patience. She works as a Nurse practitioner in and ER and is one heck of a mom. I want to be like her when I grow up. 
Margaret Nadauld has said Women bring with them into the world a certain virtue, a diving gift, that makes them adept at instilling such qualities as faith, courage, empathy and refinement in relationships and in cultures”. I am grateful to be a mom even though it is very difficult. It is rewarding nonetheless

I like that The proclamation on the family states that “individual circumstances may necessitate individual adaptation”. My little family is part of that. For the past 7 years I have worked. I work to help support my family.  My husband and I have both had jobs and we both are the providers. One day I would love to not have to work but for now, this is what I have to do for my family. When I had my first child I was able to move from the office to my home. I feel extremely blessed that I was able to still work and stay home with my child. I also feel it’s a little bit of a curse. I have three kids now and I still work from home. My kids probably watch a little more television than they should but it’s what we have to do for our family. My husband is finishing up his degree right now and it is our hope that he will be able to get employment that will be able to sustain our family and I will not have to work. I love that the proclamation does state in essence that each family is different and has different circumstances. I sometimes feel I am not the nurturer I should be, since I have to work. If I did not have to sit at my desk all day, I could devote more time to my kids and what not, but I love my kids and I have to remember that I am doing the best that I can.

I an grateful to be a mother. Motherhood is the best “opportunity for lifelong learning”. I believe that each one of my kids is here on earth for a reason; I am the means by which they can gain a body and experience the test and trials of this life. My children have taught me how to have patience, humility and a love beyond measure. I did not know the capacity of love that I possessed until my children were born. My kids literally saved my life and I look up to them and will do anything for them.

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