Tuesday, March 15, 2016

“Honor Thy Father”: Key Principles and Practices in Fathering

The proclamation states that “By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness.” This is an important statement. It gives us a foundation on which fatherhood is built on. Today I am going to talk about 5 principles of fatherhood. Boyd Packer has said that “a principle is an enduring truth, a law, a rule that you can adopt to guide you in making decisions.” The five principles that I would like to discuss today are to preside, to partner, to be present, to provide and to protect. BUT first let me talk about some fathers in my life.

Going along with my thoughts in the last post, I also have been thinking about some of the fathers in my life. Let me tell you a characteristic on some of the fathers that have affected my life:
There are so many qualities that I love about my own father Bruce. One of the things I love most about him is his dedication to his family and to the gospel. He is someone who’s main goal is to serve those around him.

My father in law Dave is an example of someone with perseverance. The definition of perseverance is “steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success” He has shown me time and time again how to succeed in life.
My Grandpa Mackay is such a tender man. He is approaching his 90 year of life and is still full of vigor. He is a dedicated man and I am grateful for his example.  
My mission presidents Dennis and Wright are such amazing men. I am privileged to have served under them and to have learned from them. Two of the greatest qualities I learned from them is compassion and commitment. They taught me and continue to teach me 
 My college bishop Lynn loves with his whole heart. He is charitable to all he comes in contact with; I am grateful that he is part of my life.
My husband Samuel is the father of my children. I wish that everyone could witness our house when Daddy comes home; it is the happiest part of my kids day. My husband is a great father, he loves his children and wants what is best for them. I can’t speak for him but I can guess being a dad is rewarding in so many ways.
 Now lets hit those principles of Fatherhood:

What does it mean To Preside? To think about this, I steer you to our Heavenly Father who presides in Heaven, fathers on earth follow this same pattern. They will lead and watch over their families in love and righteousness. Positive father interactions can lead to better relationships and will aid children’s learning.
To Partner: “Parenthood is a Partnership” Fathers and Mothers need to learn how to work together in harmony and as a team just as the proclamation states, “In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners.” It is good to be able to connect with children as well.
To Be Present: I am a firm believer that someone can be present but not be present at the same time. “Parenting require presence.”  A child needs parents to be there and be aware. Children rely on their parents for practically everything. I like the concept of being present physically and being present psychologically as well; children’s lives will be blessed with parents who are present.

To Provide: All people need provided for; we are in need of so many things daily. “To be a good father is often equated to being a good provider.” I believe that not all providing needs to be money-oriented; it needs to be in all aspects of life. The proclamation states that fathers are “responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families”. I know in my family right now, I need to help provide but I know what my husband provides much for our family and the monetary part will come a little later. We are all doing the best we can and that is all that matters
Last of all is to Protect: It is the role of parents and especially of fathers to help prepare their children for what lies ahead. A father can be a great example to his children; he can show them the way and always be there for them.  
Being a father is such an important calling, it comes with it many responsibilities but also comes with rewards beyond measure. I am grateful for the fathers in my life and what they have taught me.  

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